Saturday, May 14, 2011

I like the way the locals say 'Dingle'

Made it to Duinin House just outside of Dingle. We arrived here earlier than we have most places at this point, so we almost don't know what to do with ourselves. With some helpful maps from our host, I think we're going to walk around town and check out some different shops and things while they're still open. Then we'll hop back in the car to do the Slea (said like 'sleigh') Head Drive around the edge of the peninsula before coming back into town for dinner. We're in yet another coastal town, so there are quite a few seafood places I've been eyeing up the brochures for. Right now I'm (because Ben could care less about seafood restaurants) considering Lord Baker's (the oldest pub & largest restaurant in town) versus Out of the Blue (doesn't open for business unless they've caught something good that day). Both will probably be more expensive than we've been trying to eat so far along the trip, but it might be worth it. If the price is too far out of our league, there's always Galway for seafood before we head back to Dublin. That's my thought anyway.

Ok, time to go explore. Be back with more stories (and hopefully photos) later tonight.

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