It's that time again. Time to get this little blog up and running as Ben and I prepare to depart this lovely country of ours for one distinctly more... green. :) The bags are packed. Goodbyes are said (for the most part). My nails have yet to be bitten completely back in sheer anxiousness. (A victory in and of itself.) I don't know what else to do before we depart for the airport but this, really.
Ben would like me to inform you that the title of the blog has been edited to fit this trip. We have added the subtitle "Travels with Trodden" to the existing heading. He thinks it's only fair. I suppose I agree. Now I just need to figure out how to add that to the main page so it actually shows up in more places than just this post. We've got a decently long layover in JFK, so I can fiddle with it then. Maybe I'll even fiddle with it on my swanky new iPad! (Thanks, Mom & Dad!)
Well, seeing as we haven't left New Castle yet, there isn't too much excitement to report - aside from the obvious: We're going to Ireland!! Ahh! It's difficult for me not to do this little childish hop in place/dance thing any time I think about just how awesome that statement is. You can ask Ben. He laughs at me every time! Ok, but really. That's all for now. We love you all. We miss you already. I'm sure we'll be updating again soon. Ta ta!
Oh to be young and free, and in Ireland...Do everything you can think of (and maybe even some things I would do). Have the time of your lives! We love you!